Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I’ll take you to the barber shop…. (sung to 50c Candy Shop)

Is sung even a word? I’ve just logged on to see I now have 5 followers WHAT FUN! Yesterday we did loads. LOADS but I think the best part was Lucky’s Barber Shop (Clay Street, OAKLAND!). So we walked into the Marriot Hotel and asked for Information. The lady was soooo helpful. None the less what she said was, “A barber? Sure we can help you with that. You can go to Lucky’s down the road. It’s owned by some brothers.” Ahhhhh. Well then we were in the barber shop and some random Divorce Court (trash TV) was on…and one of the brother’s looks at the TV and says, “Ooooooooooooooh, it’s cause you’re nasty”. That just happened. I loved it! Trolley rides, ferry rides, some epic street dancers and then the GAME! AT & T Park – what awesomeness. Garlic fries yum & beer gross. So much of good times. Tomorrow we are off to Los Angeles and then hit the Salsa Congress….thas right

Check out Mojo’s blog for more photies -


Monday, May 23, 2011


San Fransisco – SMUG is how she described it and well rightly so! It’s a quaint and beautiful place. On the first day we walked around the local city (although a town to us). Grabbed some Starbucks yum – not quite the Cape Grace. Day 2 was fabulous Glen, Paul and Louisa showed us the Golden Gate Bridge, the worlds windyiest road, the Trolleys, Coit Tower, the waterfront area and so much of fun. OAKLAND! We had Mexican for lunch it is a petty that only an hour later I remembered what Bridget said , “everything is bigger here” – my lunch was larger than Mo’s! he he he. What a fun day
Today we are off to Alcatraz.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Rover Rd?

Right, so it felt like 1996 (i hope that is my standard 5 year). Glen came to fetch us and Bridgie was in the car. De ja vu... then we walked into the Lounge of Walnut Creek and all that was missing was Deborah-lynne some two minute noodles and barbeque spice!
And that’s the start of our great trip!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

This next piece I haven't read. It is written by a dear friend of mine. The joy about DANCING is that we can share it. So here, Tania Stephenson shares her love for Dance.
Love you girl!

Why is it that I love to dance? Well that is quite a simple answer - because it awakens my spirit, I feel connected to life and it allows me to express myself in a uniquely personal way.

I consider myself a dancer, not in the professional sense, but I dance. I dance when I am happy, I dance when I am sad, I dance when I am angry, I dance when there is no other option. Dancing doesn't have to be a choreographed piece, it can be in the middle of your bedroom, in a night club, on a stage or just in your head. I believe that everyone has the capability to dance although not everyone will.

When one dances you can either connect with the music and let it seep into every pore of your being or you can just let the sound flow over you as you bop to the rhythm of the music. I choose to let the music take me on a journey because I am not scared of what people will think or if I will look silly. Dance is such a passionate thing for me, I have on many occasions been so moved by watching choreography that I have felt the story being told is so real. Perhaps this is because I allow myself to be immersed into the story and let it capture my heart and soul. This may all sound strange and foreign to those of you who are not that into dancing, but you really should give in once in a while (even if it is in the privacy of your own home).

I learnt to dance at an early age, in fact I can't remember a time when I haven't

been dancing. It started with ballet and has moved on to modern and contemporary - I even tried out hip hop but my body isn't built for that. I remember many happy times of dancing with my grandfather in his lounge, he would teach me by letting me stand on his feet and as the years went by I stepped off those magical dancing feet and discovered I had my own. It is with this fond memory that I continue to dance today.

I only wish that I could live my life with such a carefree abandon as I do when I dance...

Thursday, May 5, 2011

He said. She said.

He says, “Jump”, I say, “ How high?”. I say, “I need something” - he says,”What brand?”. Then he said, “I've always wanted to do Salsa, there is a stuio on Bree Street. Let's go check it out.” And I said, “What night?”.

The next night I found myself trapsing down some stairs and into a very dodgey looking bassment. There we found a group of people following someone's instructions. The music was blaring the bar man was smoking hot. 15 minutes later he said, “We'll be back on Thursday to try it out”.

A one off Thursday became every Tuesday and every Thursday. Determined to be the best I could be I then started private lessons he then joined me. We did this for two years. Dance, dance, dance but no clubs yet. Dance, dance, dance some more. We did group classes, private classes, workshops and attended every party we cared to. We dreamed of going on salsa adventures around the world. We may not be doing it together but 2011 is the year of I(heart)salsa. He's going on some Cruise. I am going to the LA Salsa Congress. And I know when he comes back, he'll say,”I saw this new move, let's try it out”. I'll have no choice but to get up and try. 
Chilly & Shireen at Que Pasa All White Party

The other night at Buena Vista Greenpoint I introduced him to a well known South African Choreographer as … This is my best friend (...) he is a Phenomenal Salsa Dancer. 40 minutes later I demanded a dance. He then took me onto the dance floor, in my mind reserved for performers, none the less our friendship dictates a No No policy. So there we were dancing to a great salsa song. We finished the dance I walked to Nat and she said, “ I could watch you dance all night.” Confirmation he is a phenomenal dancer.

Chanda or better know in the Salsa circles as Chilly is a Salsa Instructor and Dj for Que Pasa Latin Lounge. If you want a lesson email him he'll do you justice. If you want a date – he's your guy but maybe I'm the only one who gets to demand that!

He said,” I see you have started to blog. Will you write me an article”.

There you have it.
X reen
Best friend of Chilly & Mfusion Dancer

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Name: Shireen (note to self name stuck on report using a cassette label!!) Grade Junior lower

I can’t not laugh at the discovery on the report from the 90s! I clearly remember doing these exams. Beige footless tights and leotards, we all hovered in the back rooms of the Church Hall close to my junior school. What I never quite understood was why dance exams were mid morning when we were in school!

None the less on the report:

Well tried (sigh) – lovely feet and well moved, but go over, you finished before your music, also finish your arm movements they are not well stretched (I never did like styling). Lovely smile – but smile all the time (CHECK!), you will do well (Indeed).

This is the same year we won an award at the Eistedford – it was a cowgirl and cow dance…yes go a head…laugh

Tee minus twenty

With less than 20 days to go before I plant my tiny feet on non African soil I decided to blog. The other day someone told me that I should give up on blogging as everyone has a blogging stage.