Tuesday, May 17, 2011

This next piece I haven't read. It is written by a dear friend of mine. The joy about DANCING is that we can share it. So here, Tania Stephenson shares her love for Dance.
Love you girl!

Why is it that I love to dance? Well that is quite a simple answer - because it awakens my spirit, I feel connected to life and it allows me to express myself in a uniquely personal way.

I consider myself a dancer, not in the professional sense, but I dance. I dance when I am happy, I dance when I am sad, I dance when I am angry, I dance when there is no other option. Dancing doesn't have to be a choreographed piece, it can be in the middle of your bedroom, in a night club, on a stage or just in your head. I believe that everyone has the capability to dance although not everyone will.

When one dances you can either connect with the music and let it seep into every pore of your being or you can just let the sound flow over you as you bop to the rhythm of the music. I choose to let the music take me on a journey because I am not scared of what people will think or if I will look silly. Dance is such a passionate thing for me, I have on many occasions been so moved by watching choreography that I have felt the story being told is so real. Perhaps this is because I allow myself to be immersed into the story and let it capture my heart and soul. This may all sound strange and foreign to those of you who are not that into dancing, but you really should give in once in a while (even if it is in the privacy of your own home).

I learnt to dance at an early age, in fact I can't remember a time when I haven't

been dancing. It started with ballet and has moved on to modern and contemporary - I even tried out hip hop but my body isn't built for that. I remember many happy times of dancing with my grandfather in his lounge, he would teach me by letting me stand on his feet and as the years went by I stepped off those magical dancing feet and discovered I had my own. It is with this fond memory that I continue to dance today.

I only wish that I could live my life with such a carefree abandon as I do when I dance...


  1. I wonder if I am allowed to comment on my own blog? Awesomeness T! don't forget to dance tonight. xxS

  2. I remember taking you and Shireen to Afrika Ablaze(that right)..do you? I agree that dancing is fun, therapeutic, sometimes social. most time I find myself dancing whilst cooking or just to tune that reminds me pleasantly of the past. I did modern dancing but it is amazing when one stops it is not the end all, life goes on.
    Enjoy dancing, I certainly will...

  3. Of course I remember Afrika Ablaze! Whether fond or not I will keep to myself ;)
    Just dance.... do do dup just dance! x
